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Mateusz Kolaszyński, Ph.D.

Mateusz Kolaszyński, Ph.D.

e-mail: mateusz.kolaszyń


Academia profile

Research Gate profile


Assistant Professor at Department of National Security of the Jagiellonian University


MA in political sciences, Jagiellonian University (2010)

MA in legal sciences, Jagiellonian University (2021)

PhD in social sciences, discipline: political sciences, Jagiellonian University (2015)


2017 – 3rd Class Rector’s Individual Award for Academic Excellence, Rector of the Jagiellonian University

2018 – 3rd Class Rector’s Individual Award for Organizational Achievements, Rector of the Jagiellonian University

Courses taught

Metody wywiadowcze Federacji Rosyjskiej

Modi operandi służb wywiadowczych

Negocjacje i umowy międzynarodowe

Podstawy kryminalistyki

Polski wymiar sprawiedliwości w sprawach karnych

Prywatyzacja bezpieczeństwa

Seminarium dyplomowe

Służby specjalne w stosunkach międzynarodowych

System służb specjalnych w Polsce

Współdziałanie służb i organów wywiadowczych RP

Research interests

intelligence studies; constitutional mandates of intelligence services; criminal intelligence.

constitutional law; human rights; criminal justice system, state surveillance. 

Current research

Surveillance policies after Swnoden

Constitutional status Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Germany

Selected publications in English:

Constitutional status of Polish intelligence services since 1989 - the intelligence vs. the police, „Politeja” 2017, nr 5

Intelligence Control and Oversight in Poland since 1989, „The International Journal of Intelligence, Security and Public Affairs” 2018, nr 3

Surveillance Powers of Law Enforcement and Intelligence Services in Poland [w:] A. Gruszczak (ed.), Security Outlook 2018, Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2019

Overseeing Surveillance Powers - The Cases of Poland and Slovakia, "The Policy of National Security" 2020, nr 1 (18)

Secret surveillance in Poland after Snowden [in:] L. A. Viola, P. Laidler (eds.), Trust and Transparency in an Age of Surveillance, Routledge, London 2021.

Participation in scientific conferences

16-17.11.2018 r. Freie Universität Berlin, Workshop Trust and Transparency in an Age of Surveillance, wygłoszony referat pt. Polish Surveillance Policies After Snowden Between Transparency and Secrecy

27-30.03.2019 ISA Annual Convention in Toronto, the Paper "Surveillance by Law-enforcement and Intelligence Services: Fundamental Rights Safeguards in Poland"

4-7.09.2019, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, ECPR General Conference in Wrocław, the Paper “Overseeing surveillance powers – the cases of Poland and Slovakia”

30.09-1.10.2019, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Workshop Trust and Transparency in an Age of Surveillance, the Paper “Polish Surveillance Policies After Snowden Between Transparency and Secrecy”